Please only run this if instructed by a member of the ACR Connect team.
Note: Some versions still contain "acrconnect-dicom-imaging-service". It will not start if present, this is expected.
- On the server where ACR Connect is installed, browse to:
C:\ProgramData\acr-connect-apps\ConnectExpress\.volumes\service-env - Locate a file named: jwt_token.json
- Delete this file
- Download the docker-compose.yml file from our File Repository. Located HERE
- Replace the docker-compose.yml file located at: C:\ProgramData\acr-connect-apps\ConnectExpress
- Login to ACR connect. This will generate a new jwt_token.json file.
- Find the ACRConnect Update Agent service and restart it.
- Once all the services stop and restart it will pull the latest update of ACR Connect after a few minutes.
- This may cause the update agent to stop all the services again. This process can take a few minutes.
- Once the services restart please verify that all the services have started back up.
- Login to DIR link and confirm submissions are still submitting to ACR.
Estimated completion time: 10-15 minutes