Report Purpose
The interactive NMD Facility Comparisons Report set allows you to view your site’s data in comparison to regional and national peers as well as annual trends.
The report contains many of the statistics available in the quarterly NMD Facility Screening Report and several new calculations and features:
Data for the current performance year are refreshed weekly, rather than quarterly
Color-coded rankings provide visual feedback with values determined by how well your site’s measure compares to a peer group’s quartiles – e.g. in the Top 25% of all sites in the group, Bottom 25% of all sites, etc.
Site rankings compared to the entire NMD are available across years, to identify measures that have improved or declined over time
Site performance for selected NMD measures in comparison with ACR BI-RADS Benchmarks as derived from the ACR BI-RADS Atlas, 2013.
Interactive functions, such as clicking on a table or hovering over a number or graphic, help you find useful information, such as detailed trends and statistics.
Uses of the Report
Several examples of how this report can be helpful for improving practice performance and monitoring trends are suggested below.
Compare your facility's performance measures such as recall rate and positive predictive values with peers and with ACR BI-RADS® benchmarks to identify potential areas for conducting a quality improvement initiative. The Annual Trends report data can provide insight into how quality improvement initiatives have affected performance over time.
Corporate Accounts with multiple Facility Accounts can now easily assess performance across facilities using the Facility Comparison report tab and variances in performance can be investigated.
Note: You can compare your facility's performance against the ACR BI-RADS® for select measures. See more information below about the BI-RADS Benchmarking tab.
How to Access and Navigate
The report is available in the NRDR portal. Upon selecting the NMD registry in the left menu, locate the heading Interactive Reports in the left menu and select Facility Comparisons Report.
The About this Report tab provides insight into the reports’ measures and filter use. Upon selecting a report tab, hover over the information icon (blue circle in the upper left corner) to obtain details about maximizing the report’s capabilities.

Report Features
The NMD Facility Comparisons report set is comprised of multiple tabs with each described below.
Facility Map
The Facilities Map provides a visual representation of the facilities included in the report's United states Census Bureau Region comparison statistics for a selected year. Each region is color coded.
NMD Star Status
The NMD Star Status program enables monitoring of a Corporate Account's data submission results about achieving Star Status targets and earning incentive awards applied toward NRDR annual participation fees.
The above report shows how the status is calculated using aggregated data across an entire Corporate Account. Check out the NMD Features article to learn about the Star Status incentive awards.
Facility Peer Comparison Report
The Peer Comparisons Report compares a single facility’s data to the entire registry and peer groups:
in the same census region (e.g. East North Central, Mountain)
of the same facility type (e.g. Academic, Freestanding center)
in the same type of location (e.g. Suburban, Metropolitan)
The data table shows each measure, the measure rate, and the numerator and denominator values for the rate. Measure definitions are provided in the Measure Definitions tab. Report filters enable refinement of the data displayed in the table by measure, modality, exam type, and imaging environment (full-field mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis, or both). Each site must meet a minimum number of cases for the measurement year to be included in peer group statistics.
Note: Review of performance results by full-field digital mammography or digital breast tomosynthesis requires using NMD version 3.4 to record data in the field "Initial method by which breast cancer was detected."
Click the image to enlarge
Each circle is color-coded to represent the site's ranking compared to the peer group, in terms of quartiles. For example, the top 25% group indicates the facility performed well and was better than 75% of all sites in that group, and the bottom 25% indicates the facility rate was relatively poor, faring worse than 75% of all sites in the group. The information can be downloaded to a PDF following the instructions in the upper-right corner of the report.
Note: Several NMD measures are inverse measures for which being in the bottom 25% indicates better performance.
Additional details are available for each measure comparison by hovering over the circle. In the example shown above, hovering the mouse over the circle for Recall Rate shows a detailed bar chart with the facility rate (black dot) and each of the quartiles (differently colored shaded areas) for all facilities in the same Facility Region.
Note: Measures evaluating the timeliness to additional imaging and the timeliness to biopsy were added to the Peer Comparisons report in 2021. See the NMD Measures Definitions tab in this report for more information. The example below shows a detailed bar chart of a facility's rate compared with all facilities of the same type.
Annual Trends Report
The Annual Trends tab provides rankings over time compared to all NMD facilities meeting the case threshold. Clicking on a measurement name in the table creates detailed graphs for that measure. The line chart compares the facility’s rate (green line) to the registry median (gray line), for each available year. Therefore, when the facility rate is below the registry median line the facility ranking will be in either the Bottom 25% or Bottom 50% to 25%.
Click the image to enlarge
Facility Comparisons Report
The Facility Comparisons tab provides rankings for multiple facilities so you can compare data across facilities. The report also includes total measurement rates, compiled across the selected facilities.
Click the image to enlarge
Hovering over a ranking circle provides additional information about the registry percentiles that determine the ranking for that facility and measure.
ACR BI-RADS Benchmarking Graph
The BI-RADS Benchmarking tab displays how a facility's rate compares to the ACR BI-RADS benchmark for the measures:
Recall Rate
Positive Predictive Value 1
Positive Predictive Value 2
Cancer Detection Rate
Click the image to enlarge
Selecting a measure in the table generates a detailed line chart with facility rates and exam counts by year. The BI-RADS® benchmarks are shaded in the chart to highlight when facility rates fall above or below benchmark values.
Recall Rate | PPV1 | CDR Graph
Comparisons of mammography screening exams' recall rate, positive predictive value 1, and cancer detection rate can be viewed in a single graph for one or more facilities within a corporate account. Results can be viewed for current and past years.
Facility Characteristics Report
The Facility Characteristics tab displays the number of sites by Facility Type, Location Type, and United States Census Bureau Region. Each stacked bar chart denotes the number of sites that met the case threshold for the year (blue bars), and the number of sites that fell below the threshold (gray bars).
Click the image to enlarge
NMD Measure Definitions
The Measure Definition tab is a list of each NMD measure name and description.
Date last reviewed: 03/10/2022