TIN / NPI Summary Report
Modified on: Mon, 29 Mar, 2021 at 4:03 PM
The TIN / NPI Summary Report lists the facilities and NPIs assigned to each Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) associated with a Corporate Account ID. This report is available to all users.
To generate the report, select TIN / NPI Summary Report from the Corporate Account Management Operational menu and select at least one Corporate Account ID from the filter at the top of the page.
The report retrieves all TINs associated with the selected Corporate Account(s) and displays data in two tables. The first table lists TINs, TIN Start and End Dates, facilities, and registries.

The second table lists each NPI associated with each TIN, along with their status.

Use the filters to refine the data for one or both tables. The first set of filters, highlighted in light blue, affects both tables. For example, selecting a single State from the State filter shows data for TINs with facilities in that state in the Facilities by Account and TIN table, and shows the NPIs associated with those same TINs in the NPIs by Account and TIN table.

The second set of filters, highlighted in light brown, applies to the NPIs by Account and TIN table. You may filter by NPI number, name and status. The Sort Table by parameter changes the how data are sorted in the table.
You can also filter data by interacting with the report. For example, clicking on a TIN from the Facilities by Account and TIN table filters the second table to show data for that TIN only. You may also filter by clicking on a row in the NPIs by Account and TIN table to show which facilities are associated with that TIN. To remove the filter, click on the same TIN a second time, or click the Undo button in the bottom left corner.

To download data from either table, first click just above the column headers in the table, select Download from the bottom right corner, and then select Crosstab.
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