Managing Your Modalities in ACRedit Plus (Revised 12-15-2022)
Modified on: Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 at 8:45 AM
Please see the alternative instructions for managing ROPA.
Your ACRedit Plus dashboard allows you to access information related to your facility and applications, and also highlights time-sensitive tasks for your facility. Use the underlined item headings in the upper-right-hand corner to access current applications, testing packages, final reports, and modalities.

My Applications shows your list of draft or submitted applications, as well as mid-cycle applications. You may print legal forms and invoices from this page. The system will save your progress on an application, so you may leave and come back at a later time. If your draft application is inactive for 60 days, the system will delete the unsubmitted application. Login users will receive reminder emails about inactive draft applications. If your application is deleted, you will not be able to recover it.

My Testing Packages shows your list of draft or submitted testing packages. You modify your testing package and view uploaded images from this page.

Changing Your Exams for Submission: Before making changes to your exams, please review the exam requirements for your modality; some modalities have required exams for submission, which may not be changed. Exam change requests should be submitted as support ticket requests. There, you may select the topic/category of exam change, fill out the modality ID number and unit (if applicable) and specify the exam you wish to add, remove or change.
My Final Reports provides access to final reports by unit and date. If you receive a deficiency report, this page will display a link to your option form when it is available.

My Modalities shows the list of modalities available under your account login. This screen is used to access your personnel, unit, and CMS information (if applicable). To view a list of other modalities or demographic information for your location, click “Modality Detail” under the action column.

Use the left-hand navigation to add a facility, modality, module or unit, to make changes to facility or modality information, to withdraw a modality or unit, or to close a modality.

Revision History for this Article |
Date | Section | Description of Revision(s) |
12-12-19 | All | Article created; FAQs incorporated; No criteria changes |
12-15-2022 | All | Updated to reflect new ACRedit Plus database |
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