Table of Contents


Gain an overview of how to use the features of the Exam Mapping Name Tool located in the NRDR Portal.

Accessing the Tool 

To access the Exam Name Mapping Tool:

  1. Log in to the NRDR Portal, select DIR from the Registry menu, and then select Exam Name Mapping from the DIR Registry menu.

  2. Upon opening the tool, select the modality for which you want to map exam names or procedures.

  3. Then choose a Corporate Account or Facility from the list.

Note: Remember to coordinate mapping with your Corporate Account Administrator and confirm mapping processes using the Exam Name Settings form. Mapping at the Corporate Account level is highly recommended. If you are new to the DIR, start by mapping your high-volume exams and those that your team is most interested in comparing to other facilities so that these data can be included in your next round of aggregate reports. 

A list of all exam names that have been sent to the DIR from your Corporate Account or Facility appears. Buttons at the top of the screen allow you to change modality from CT to projection X-ray and facilities if needed.  The example functionality described in the following sections describes mapping CT exams, however, the functionality is much the same for projection X-ray (fluoroscopy and digital radiology) with minor changes in terminology.

Review of the Tool's Features

  • The Search Function

There are several search functions available to help you sort through your facility’s exam records. The Exam field allows you to select a subset of exam names. For example, if you type abdomen in the text box and then click the Search button, the search returns all exams with the term “abdomen” appearing anywhere in the description. The search is not case sensitive.

Use the Clear button to reset the page to show all exams.

The Status field features a drop-down menu so you can select exams that are in various stages of “mapping” or mapping (see Mapping Status Table at the end of the article).

All exams for new facilities initially appear as either Not Mapping or Mapping Suggested. If marked as Not Mapped, you must manually standardize the exam name by mapping it to an RPID (CT exams) or ACR Common Procedure Name (fluoroscopy and digital radiography). If a mapping is marked as Mapping Suggested, you should review the mapping and either confirm it or choose a different mapping.

The RPID/ExamCode field allows you to search by a specific RPID number for CT exams, or by ACR Common Procedure ID number if the modality Projection X-ray is selected.

Note: Unlike searching by Exam, searching by RPID or Common Procedure ID requires an exact match – e.g. the criterion RPID1 only returns CT study descriptions mapped with RPID1, and criterion 4011589 only returns Fluoro study descriptions mapped with 4011589.

You may also click on a letter of the alphabet to select all exam names beginning with that letter. For example, if you click on the letter A, the search returns all exams starting with that letter.

  • The At a Glance Feature

  • Options for Mapping Exams and Procedures

Two options enable you to manually map exam study descriptions to RPID/Common Procedure values

  1. Using the Exam Name Mapping Tool is recommended when you have only a few exams or procedures to map or update.  Select the exam and click the Search RPID/Search Common Procedure button, found at the bottom of the mapping tool. See the Using the Exam Name Mapping Tool Knowledge Base article for details. 

  2. Using the Export and Upload functions is recommended when you have multiple items to map or update. Click the Export All to Excel button to create and download a file of all of your exams. You may then update the file and use the Upload button to apply the updates to your mappings. See the Using the Exam Name Mapping's Tool Export and Upload Functions  Knowledge Base article for details.

Note: View a six-minute video overview about mapping CT exams below. The video was developed by Michael A. Bohl, MPH, Founder, Dose Registry Support Services.

  • Accepting Mapping Suggested Recommendations

After you have reviewed the mappings for study descriptions with the status Mapping Suggested you may change the status to Mapping Completed. Select each study description by clicking the box to the left of the exam and then click the Mark Selection as Mapping Completed button in the lower right corner of the page.

If you wish to mark all exams with the status Mapping Suggested at the same time, you may do so by selecting Mapping Suggested under the drop-down menu by the Status button and then clicking on Mark all Mapping Suggested as Mapping Completed.

Do not click this button unless you have reviewed all the suggested mappings to confirm they are correct.

  • Change the Mapping for Mapping Completed Exams

If you assigned a mapping to a study description and later decide that you want to change it, select the study description and then clicking the Mark as Not Mapped button. This changes the status to Not Mapped and you may create a different mapping.

  • Adding Comments and the  Audit Log

If you are not able to map an exam name the way that you would like, you can use the comment box to explain why you are having problems. To add a comment, click on the Comments button and a comment box appears. Type your comment in the bottom box and then click on Add Comments

To see your comment, click on the Comments button again, and your comments will appear in the top box along with the date and time that you made your comments.DIR ENMT - Show Test Comments

Click the Audit Log button to see a summary of all changes for a particular exam. 

  • Requesting a new ACR Common Procedure Name

When mapping fluoroscopy procedures or X-ray exams, if you are unable to identify an ACR Common ID that is a sufficient explanation for your exam, use the Build Your Own Mapping feature to request a new ACR Common ID. This feature is not available for mapping CT exams.  See the Knowledge Base article Request an ACR Common Procedure ID for details.

Mapping (Mapping) Status Summary

The table below describes the various status categories that may appear for your exams or procedures organized by those that apply to both CT and projection X-ray and those that apply to CT and projection X-ray exams, respectively.


Action Needed

Exam Included in Reports?

Status Applies to Both CT and Projection X-ray

Not Mapped

Map the study description, using the Search RPID or Search by Common Procedure button to find the best mapping. Exams will not appear in your reports until they are mapped.


Mapping Completed

No action necessary


Status Applies to CT Exam Mapping Only

Mapping Suggested

Review the suggested mapping and either confirm it or manually map it yourself


Guidance or Unwanted

No action is necessary; indicates exams should not be used in comparison reports


Status Applies to Projection X-ray Procedures and Exams Only

Mapping in Process

Create a mapping manually using the Build Your Own Mapping function. Exams will not be used until you manually map the study description.


Common ID Requested

Request a new ACR Common ID using the Mark selection as Common ID Requested function.  



Previous: Exam Name MappingNext: Standardize a Study Description