Web-based data transmission is the easiest way for participants to submit data to the NRDR. The process saves time and reduces errors by allowing your facility to automatically load data into the registry instead of creating and uploading data files or manually entering data.

Transmitting data to NRDR registries requires an authorized connection set up by either a Certified Software Partner or by a facility's IT department if the necessary resources are available. A list of Certified Software Partners is available on the ACR web pages for LCSR, GRID, and MIPS

The process for your vendor to become an ACR Certified Software Partner (if not one already), or for your IT department to set up web-based data transmission, is described below.

Transmitting data to the NRDR using web-based data transmission requires an application/service to:

  1. authenticate via the ACR Connect service,

  2. submit data via the NRDR API, and

  3. receive transaction and submission status or error(s).

To start the certification process, please contact the NRDR Help Desk and request the documents, below, specific to the registry to which you want to transmit data.

3D Printing
ACR Connect Authentication Service
ACR Connect Authentication Service
ACR Connect Authentication Service
ACR Connect Authentication Service
ACR Connect Authentication Service
ACR Connect Authentication Service
NRDR 3D Printing Exam Data Exchange
NRDR CTC Exam Data Exchange
NRDR GRID Exam Data Exchange
NRDR LCSR Exam Data Exchange
NRDR MIPS Exam Data Exchange
NRDR NMD Exam Data Exchange


These documents will help you set up and test your connection and authentication to the NRDR web service. Below is a brief summary of each:

  • ACR Connect Authentication Service Developers Guide: how to connect and authenticate with the ACR Connect Service, and what to do with the ACR token received after authentication.

  • NRDR_<registry> Exam Data Exchange: the data workflow of registry transactions and the APIs that are consumed to post a transaction to the registry database and to get the transaction status back. 

Data File Mappings

Consult the links, below, to download the relevant JSON mapping documentation describing the data elements and file layout for each registry to which you want to send data:


A test environment is available for you to test the authentication and data submission processes. To access the test environment, you will need to provide us with:

  • incoming IP addresses, so we can whitelist them and allow you to access our test environment,

  • your application name, which we will display to the users on the authentication page, and

  • a redirect URL, using the https protocol, to which responses should be sent.

After we receive the above information we will provide you with a client ID, client secret, test facility, partner ID and application ID so that you can proceed with testing. Note that the set of credentials and the URL endpoints in the test environment will not be the same in the production environment, so you may want to make them configurable in your application.

Note: When using the test environment, it is imperative that data submitted be test data, or data made anonymous by the user.

Once you finish testing in our test environment (authenticating, posting transactions, getting status and error messages back), send us an e-mail to complete the certification process and begin transmitting data.

Certified Software Partners

If you are a CTC, GRID, LCSR, NMD or MIPS vendor, we can display your company logo on the ACR website as a Certified Software Partner. Just send us your logo and the link to your website and we will post it in the Certified Software Partners section of the appropriate registry web page. Please provide a logo file with a dimension of 150px (width) by 40px (height), in PNG format.