
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the GRID online forms and the data submission options for all GRID measures.

Forms for Submitting Aggregate Data

Most GRID facilities submit aggregate data to the registry via entering data manually in the online forms available in the NRDR Portal.  

  • The Annual Facility Form is used to record and submit site aggregate data from the previous calendar year. See the Facility Form Instructions article for form completion and submission tips.

Note: The GRID Forms article provides PDF versions of the three aggregate data forms to help facility personnel gather data prior to online data entry. The PDF forms should not be submitted to the GRID.

Data Submission Methods

  1. Manual data entry: For aggregate facility and physician data, most facilities enter the data manually using the forms available in the NRDR Portal. This method cannot be used for submitting exam-level data for turnaround time measures.

  2. Data file upload: All GRID data can be submitted via a data file upload. Exam-level data for turnaround time measures must be submitted either by data file upload or by web-based data transmission.

  3. Web-based transmission: Facilities that have IT or vendor support should consider web-based data submission. While an initial investment of time is required for setup, this method saves time in the long run and reduces errors by automating data transmission. Web-based transmission cannot be used for submitting aggregate facility and physician data.

Next: Manual Entry: Facility Form